*/HaYeF al ajme 101 KuwaiT*/ /* Variable definitions ==================== body { background: #ffffff; margin:0; font: normal normal 81% Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; color:#666666; text-align: center; } a:link { color:#53E5C9; text-decoration:none; } a:visited { color:#53E5C9; text-decoration:none; } a:hover { color:#C3DDED; text-decoration:none; } a img { border-width:0; } /* Header ----------------------------------------------- #header-wrapper { width:1030px; margin:0px auto 0px auto; padding-bottom: 5px; } #header-inner { background-position: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } #header { margin-top: 0px; border: 0px solid #f7EE63; text-align: center; color:#666666; } #header h1 { margin:5px 5px 0; padding:15px 20px .25em; line-height:1.2em; text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:.2em; } #header a { color:#666666; text-decoration:none; } #header a:hover { color:#666666; } #header .description { margin:0 5px 5px; padding:0 20px 15px; max-width:700px; text-transform:uppercase; 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